January 22, 2025 - Febuary 4, 2025
During the activity period, users who purchase the imoo Watch Phone Z7 with a shipping address in Germany and place their order on the official website https://eu.imoostore.com/.
1. For each imoo Watch Phone Z7 purchased, eligible users will receive a €15 Amazon gift card.
2. Please note that the gift card is only valid for use in Germany.
3. The gift card is valid for 10 years from the date of the card purchase.
The gift card will be automatically sent to the email address provided in the order after 15 days after successful payment for the product.
1. This activity is valid only for orders placed on https://eu.imoostore.com/ with a shipping address in Germany.
2. Each eligible user will receive one gift card per product purchased.
3. Users will not be eligible for the gift card if they initiate a return or exchange.
4. The gift card will be sent via email, and users must ensure the email address provided in the order is accurate.
5. The gift card can only be used in Germany.
6. The company is not responsible for failure to receive the gift card due to incorrect information provided by the user.
The company reserves the final interpretation rights for this activity. imoo reserves the right to terminate the participation of any buyer who engages in improper activities, such as impersonating participants or purchasers, or using fraudulent methods to
participate, and to pursue legal action if necessary.
imoo reserves the right to modify or cancel this event at any time.
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